MIGHTY: Model of International Green Hydrogen Trade

Authors: Alejandro Nuñez-Jimenez and Nicola De Blasio

August 2022


The Model of International Green Hydrogen Trade (MIGHTY) is an optimization model to investigate renewable hydrogen production, consumption, and trade between countries. MIGHTY supports strategic analysis by policymakers and investors about the potential roles that countries and regions will play in future renewable hydrogen markets. For this purpose, MIGHTY uses mixed-integer linear programming optimization to find the combination of domestic renewable hydrogen production and international imports that minimizes annual supply costs—which include production and transportation costs—while meeting the hydrogen demand of one country or a group of countries. This paper introduces the model and describes the model formulation, including a brief explanation of how MIGHTY accounts for pipeline diameters and renewable hydrogen cost curves. Finally, limitations and options for future development are discussed.  

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For Academic Citation: Nuñez-Jimenez, A., and De Blasio, N., (2022),MIGHTY: Model of International Green Hydrogen Trade," Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard Kennedy School, August, 2022.


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